The pictures described in the paragraph (below the 2 pictures) are still in the selection phase. When you've taken about 500 snapshots, wanting to share the best, brightest, informational and downright fun, it takes time to get'r done. Therefore, we are predicting that 3 days before Thanksgiving Day, the best, brightest and most fun will be available right here. Ever seen the website message: WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION? It applies here...also, we are working day and night to meet the expected posting on Monday, November 25th at 10:15AM CDT. Wish me luck, thank you, Jack. Now, here comes that welcome message, preceeded by a pictorial preview:
Greetings! You have found the pictures mentioned in our latest newsletter. There really are a lot. In fact, we just might even add some more from the large batch we created during our two-month sojourn. There will a "revised" notation if we do so.
It should be clear that the collection is quite random. It's just that the camera (IPhone) was always handy. Therefore, if something beautiful, enlightening, catchy, serious or weird was visible, it was captured digitally. BTW, a number of images are being handed over to the Red Cross folks for their OVERSEAR newsletter. Those images are illustrative of their recent annual convention in Kansas City, MO. A few KC snaps are included here. We just hope you enjoy looking over our shoulders...digitally. You might see somewhere you'd care to visit in person...for example, the Mall Of America in Bloomington, MN, the Saint Louis Arch, John Wayne's birthplace/museum in the middle of Iowa, The Bridges of Madison County, President Truman's museum and final resting place...maybe even the Schell's Beer Brewery in Minnesota (yes, they have a bar and gift shop). Just let us add, that we do NOT recommend getting a "ROOMETTE" on a passenger train...especially if you anticipate sleeping! Trust us. You're invited to send a comment to if any of this has inspired you to design your own adventure. The USA is very intriguing, big, beautiful and worth the effort! Again, Happy Holidays! Jennifer & Jack